Friday 2 March 2007


All the information appeared here is false, and any similarity with the reality is pure coincidence. Some catastrophic scenarios were introduced to force problems into the simulated negotiations in any case represent any realistic case our intention of any of the states represented.

Thats a disclaimer of responsibility for the content here published.

The editor.

Videos - on private area only

Dear reader,

By express petition of the owners of the videos and the actors on the videos will only be accessible from the Share Drive as soon as possible.


The editor.

END of Simulation

Thank you to everybody for your effort and success into the approval of the CD1679 and CD1777 with some special amendments....

Unfortunately that is not true and we will need to wait for our real delegates to see how that finish.

And the most probable result will be much worst where any document will be approved by consensus as ours but who knows maybe we will make them change.

Best Regards,

Your sometimes journalist.

2nd Document Approved

Favour all
againt 0

Declaration froms NK

Citizens of North Korea are afraid of US and they want to develope their own nuclear program to assure equal power with US.

Breaking News 3

The finish delegate inform that the ship boarded was not from IRAN and were only for research only and hope that this incident will not damage any relationship between IRAN and US and Finland.

The new Canada ? all for sale ?

This paper was found arround the floor of the negotiation hall

(is a fake do no contact the Canadian Government to do any offer)