Friday, 2 March 2007
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The editor.
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The editor.
END of Simulation
Thank you to everybody for your effort and success into the approval of the CD1679 and CD1777 with some special amendments....
Unfortunately that is not true and we will need to wait for our real delegates to see how that finish.
And the most probable result will be much worst where any document will be approved by consensus as ours but who knows maybe we will make them change.
Best Regards,
Your sometimes journalist.
Declaration froms NK
The new Canada ? all for sale ?
(is a fake do no contact the Canadian Government to do any offer)
Notes (2)
replace: notify the information .... for ( notify as soon as the security will allow it )
7 favour
2 againt
0 abcent.
Art. 10.
7 favour
3 Againt
1 Abcense.
The notes
France: propositions already made and want a better and want add specific elements to any conventional weapon arms.
CHina: Russia and China working together with Canada and Iran ... making modifications
North Koera: Suports the treaty proposed by Russia-China and complains about the attitude of US and Japan.
Japan: Not understant why is accussed, dont like that china like lead it,
Preamble paragraf 3: need to be clarified. want a definition of what a weapon is: not prepared to provide now the definition but ready to work for it.
Russia: suggest go to definitions.
Germany and EU: suggest all including all the permanent members of the united states.
Russia: reason because the states have veto right in the UN council but the Russia is open to realize this.
Canada: somebody ask for definition for the space weapon, all space-based weapons, as well as earth to space to be regarded as space weapons.
Definition: anything space asset put by humans into space something that belongs to a country and space debris will need a space treatment.
Space Object: need to be defined.
UK: space object is a object in the space.
Russia: In responso to the american, is more possible that ever to get a definition of because the recent event in the comercial industry initiative like Virgin Galactics are already archive that capability.
Germany: the space object is a man made object with space purpose as is usually mentioned in cupuos.
Russia: Document CD1779 - definition of space object.
US: Space Object the one from Germany.
Japan: ask for def again
North Korea: want clear definitions of space object.
Iran: 109 Km as
Brazil: Agreed with Germany definition.
Japan: still dont understand the definitions.
Russia: into CD1779 any device ................... bla blab except.... please read the doc.
Nigeria: satellite are arms ?
Russia: yes satellites could be then considered as weapons if the pourse is damage any space object.
US: Ask for damages into the ground.
9. different views of definitions
19. Under possible alternatives
US: how the russian federation cover the fact in point 9 of CD1779.
Russia: Point 9 to the get a consensus they want a find a definition for space weapon no rewrite all the
China: Invite everybody
Mojority moves on ( no more definitions )
still in definitions:
US: ask bureau about which is the pourspose and which document.
Brazil: Chicken Egg problem. please move on into other articles.
US: point 6 CD 1779 not clear.
Germany give the bureau an amendment to Article III para I of CD Proposal 1777.
Response from the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran rejects the AFP news report made yesterday regarding the unidentified ship boarded by the US Navy in International waters. It is obvious that at this time details are not known regarding the incident and we would like to respond to the “hidden message” the report is attempting to portray. The report clearly is lacking information regarding the following:
The suspected point of origin of the ship
The unfounded US Navy boarding of a ship in international waters
Clarification of “traces of fissile material” and the materials classification
The use of the term “suspected” in its supposed destination of Iran only suggests lack of material support for the hypothesis
We are as interested as is the international community in the release of more information regarding the cargo (if any) and addressing the highlighted points.
We request that delegates of this conference act and maintain diplomatic decorum and refrain from baseless accusations that have no proven facts. We are here for focused and fruitful discussion on the prevention of an arms race in outer space.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Islamic Republic of Iran
Canada and Quebec in the Agenda
7 Against
1 Abstention
Then is not approved but has also been a decision that will be taken later.
China Proposal of Legal Agreement of PAROS
Russia that was calm now is responding the France an argue ring that yesterday they tried and present a definition of what is a weapon , and are willing that at the end of the day will be and agreement.
Germany states that the security council has an extensive experience and history and will not succeed in their purposes and will not be a good organization to manage the possible treaty.
Nigeria is also concerned about the transparency of the process.
What's going on ? we lost freedom
But the international community has not allowed Iran to make their clarifications about the incident during the session 4 and then the bureau then suggested a suspension of the conference to allow Iran to do the reply OUT of the conference, but again the international community has not allowed to do the break for this reason, it is really surprising that the state that are claiming more strongly for the freedom of information had not allowed the Iran to make their comments about the event.
The occidental press and the oriental are astonished for the situation and complain that the situation has been politicized to levels that are not good for any part.
God same our poor journalist, and help they to speak when they want and about they want.
Guns for Astronauts ?
US is back in the ride
Is expected a strong discussion about this point mainly from North Koerea and Iran that had started their nuclear program quite recently and will want to stay away of any restriction meanwhile they are developing their nuclear power.
India is back
From here we are sol glad to have once again the India delegation working for the benefit of the mankind.
The Sweden Absence
2nd Day of Conference
The most important point is that the media to spread the news has been the official communication channel of the Conference which means that has been one of the states the ones who write the news.
The president of the conference has done a strong speech againt this tactics that not help into the good understanding of the states, and remind the audience that whatever the people do in private remains private.
Basically who cares if the US fuck cows or chickens if the chicken accepts it by mutual decision.
The freedom is right but also a responsibility that have to be used cleverly.
Thursday, 1 March 2007
First day of the DC
A few modifications of the agenda had occurred and been approved by the DC, in fact only one has not been approved and is the inclusion of the US draft for the meeting 4. The things are not going well either for the US in terms of petitions where they loose the votes when applied for Ajournament of the Definitions point of the agenda because they "feel" is unnecessary and a wasting of time.
The rest of the DC has occurred without many incidents and all the positions of the countries are usually the expected. There is only one exception Sweden that voted against US, the international press is concerned about this fact first in history.
The Iran speech and the Russian had been the most accepted by the states and the specially the one from Iran has been very positive and hoping which makes me think that is only a mask to cover their actions internationally.
Breaking News (2)
Dear citizens of united states of America our worst fears had became reality the latest events make me very sad.
Today our US Navy has boarded in International seas ship with traces of fissile ( radioactive material ) until further investigations will not be more official javascript:void(0)
Publicarcommunication from the defense secreatary but is suspected that the ship had final destination IRAN.
That's are not good news.
God bless America.
End of Transmission.
Breaking News
Stand by for more news.
States in Interview
They refuse to explain their strategy in public but off the record they told me that are willing to agree with some treaty. Do you believe so?
France and Germany
France and Germany had a good relationship from the beggining which has not pleased IRAN that from behind is doing obvious signs of their attitude.
Canada has been pro-active during the last conferences and is expected similar commitment. The picture was taken when they were discussing some "internal" issues.
North Korea is well know in the international scene for his interest and dialogging attitude.... yeap wait not the opposite ... fortunately has not take any special position during the conference ... and is voting as usual in the Russian-side.
Sweden is always smiling and surprisingly has vote against the inclusion of a new working paper ( draft ) from US which appears that Sweden has arrived with some agreement with Russia and Iran. This surprise has caused real concern into the US delegates that for sure will start a fast negotiation from now to solve that problem.
UK delegate is leading the peace in the world team and remembering the Beatles songs again and again. In terms of votes is being clever and pointing some interesting aspects in the negotiations but surprisingly their papers are more strong that their speeech positions. As US friend is voting according that fact.
Egypt has missed the fist minutes of the conference but soon has appeared.
The People's republic of China is full of energy and expect finalize the conference with the Russian- Chinese proposal approved for the good of the mankind.
US was so happy before the starting of the conference but had not been happy at all a bit later when their working paper has not been accepted and specially when the margin has been much more than the expected, sure this delegation will need to improve and demonstrate his diplomatic skills.
Japan had demonstrated his great IT skills during all the season helping with the computers some of the other states commented or the record that were missing the cameras and the flashes of the last year, that were annoying but helped to wake up more than one.
The increasing power of Brazil has been clear that time in the conference and we will hear more about they. US tried to make and alliance with them but when all seemed arranged Brazil change his mind and vote against US.
Russia is doing his job, working and presenting statements of almost all the parts required also presented with Russia a proposal of treaty for the space arms including the conventional arms which caused some strange reaction and surprising from the rest of the countries but basically from the Germany and France.
Conference Starts
During the first speech madam president has recall to our memory while bad times and how the latest events of insecurity had created the need for a against a Arms Race into Outer Space.
Most of the states applauded enthusiastically the end of the speech apparently full of jokes, but the main reason is that was sooooo long and as usual in this types of congresses.
The good point is that seems that all states agree that exist a fear and need for a treaty or at least a modification or appendix of the old ones. The nuclear power still the main politic and diplomatic work to do and some countries are using it to gain international position and respect or fear depending of who speaks.
Early News
It still a mystery how the states will react in front of the surprising new position of IRAN which the official sources inform has presented a motion to include a modification into tomorrow's agenda. Some other surprises are expected like North Korea which traditionally block their position against any international affair.
CANADA and the alliance Russia-China are the positions more known in the media specially Canada that have 3 proposals to present into the conference has been very active but is probable that the rest of the states are just waiting for causes of simple strategy.
At this point when the conference has not started not much optimism has been detected by the member states and the "the bureau" the conference organization has rejected to speak about their personals opinions to facilitate the further negotiations and they assure that will do their best to finish the conference with some type of final document approved by all members in the conference.